What campaigns are saying…

Red2Blue are truly professional volunteers. Always organized, knowledgeable, and collaborative, they have empowered several Alaskan campaigns to reach more voters in-cycle while also sharing skills and expertise that teams can leverage in elections to come.

Erin Barker, Data Director/Political Coordinator, Alaska Democratic Party

Red2Blue has been a steadfast partner of the Bucks County Democrats for several election cycles. Our voter outreach efforts would not be possible without their support. We are grateful to their team for their professionalism, expertise, and rapid response to our needs. Together, we have made measurable progress increasing voter turnout in Bucks County. We look forward to our continued partnership with Red2Blue.

Ava Bosco, Executive Director, Bucks County, Pennsylvania Democrats

Red2Blue helped us win by reaching out to voters efficiently and effectively. Whether persuading constituents by sharing platform information or chasing mail-in ballots that haven’t been turned in, R2B was professional, flexible, and easy to work with.

Maria Collett Campaign, Pennsylvania State Senate District 12

The Red2Blue volunteers were a critical part of securing our 27-vote margin of victory over the Republican incumbent. When we were planning text campaigns, the team always had unique, effective ideas that didn't break the bank! I hope I can work with them again in 2021!

—Lucas Anderton, 2019 Finance Director for Nancy Guy, Virginia House of Delegates District 83

Red2Blue made it possible to contact voters we might never have had the opportunity to contact. If Red2Blue offers you support, take them up on it!

—Ore Obiwumi, 2019 Political Director for Morris County Democrats

Red2Blue ran a flawless organization that allowed us to send over 325,000 texts. Our field program couldn’t have happened without their help. If you want to run a 21st-century campaign, you need Red2Blue.

—Nick Meier, Distributed Organizing Director, for Elissa Slotkin, U.S. Congress MI-08 (2018)

Red2Blue made it easy to reach and engage with low-propensity voters. Of our five candidates working with Red2Blue, four of them were elected and all of them were victorious in making Oregon's political landscape more welcoming for young women of color!

—Kristina Mucker, Administrative Director, Color PAC Oregon (2019-20)

Red2Blue was invaluable in our Get Out the Vote efforts—to make sure our supporters turned out to vote on Election Day. Those votes ended up being critical for our victory. 

—Chesa Boudin, San Francisco District Attorney, elected 2019

Working with the R2B team was an incredible experience. Campaign managers and staff have so much on their plate when Election Day is approaching, having a reliable team to contact your voters directly is so important and made my job a lot easier. 

—Ethan Damon, 2019 Campaign Manager for Danica Roem, Virginia House of Delegates District 13

Red2Blue is simply AMAZING. Everything about your operation is an organizer's dream. Instructions are detailed and clear, volunteers are experienced and enthusiastic, and it is all run with an impressive level of professionalism. Thank you for adopting Jen and helping to push her over the top! Your efforts made a real impact.

Kelleigh McKenzie, 2018 Campaign Manager for Jen Metzger, New York State Senate, District 42

Red2Blue made it possible to reach and engage with voters that we may not have had the opportunity to using traditional canvassing strategies. When paired with a strong door knocking campaign, the group at Red2Blue has the team and expertise to get your message out to a diverse group of voters.

— Trevor Muth, Campaign Manager for Katie Muth, PA State Senate, District 44 (2018)

Red2Blue was a valued partner in our campaign, helping us reach voters in unwalkable areas and follow up with those who weren't home when canvassed. Their peer-to peer texting program was well designed and implemented, and they made it easy for those of us new to text banking. Red2Blue played a big role in our historic victory, electing the first Democrat in almost thirty years in the district that is only 36% Democrat. Wonderful experience and support!

Ginny Kerslake, Campaign Manager for Danielle Friel Otten, Pennsylvania House of Representatives, District 155 (2018)

Red2Blue provides at-cost what many consultants would happily charge thousands for. Creative and effective use of texting is what separates a good field program from a great one, and Red2Blue makes it cheap and easy to get your campaign the best texting bar none. Don't miss out!

—Alexander Deatrick, Field Director for Elissa Slotkin, U.S. Congress MI-08 (2018)

We were introduced to Red2Blue through our relationship with Sister District. We had experience using texting for GOTV but Haley helped us understand other ways to reach voters and donors. She shared creative ideas and best practices from races across the country, she left the decision making to us and then 100% helped us execute our texting plan. She shared results and together we continuously improved the script and list and when the results were in, we crushed it! Thank you to Red2Blue for allowing us to reach and influence voters outside of the party political bubble. Looking forward to working together again!

—Michelle Pallas, Campaign Strategist for Mallory McMorrow, Michigan State Senate, District 13 (2018)

When Red2Blue came into my life, I was run ragged. Our team had poured our hearts into a massive field and phone banking operation, leaving very little to develop further. We were trying to flip a district and after being “consulted” to death by one campaign expert after another, I just needed actual help. Red2Blue and Haley Bash walked in and said, “Give me your entire text program” and executed it ten times better than I ever could. It felt like a magic, campaign-genie had granted me a wish or something! Thank you Red2Blue for helping us flip a district!

—Stephanie Bulick, Field Director for Padma Kuppa, Michigan House of Representatives, District 41 (2018)

Red2Blue is so completely competent and responsive that we couldn’t believe it was entirely a volunteer run organization – no fees for their comprehensive assistance to our campaign. They exist purely to boost the capacity of your own team to run a successful peer-to-peer texting campaign. Their expertise covers the whole continuum from estimating a texting budget, script development, volunteer training and QA through real time feedback to texters. We don’t know of anything like this astounding volunteer team.

Les Francis, Campaign Manager for Sierra Forward, a campaign to Flip the 4th California Congressional District (2018)

Red2Blue's contribution to my campaign was very helpful. Their thoughtful peer-to-peer texting program couldn't have been easier for us! They helped us think through a number of important decisions—and took care of the details that we didn't have time for. They also helped our team manage the high volume of work we needed to, on social media. If Red2Blue offers you support, take them up on it! 

Kelly Fowler, elected Virginia House Delegate, District 21 (2017)

Red2Blue provided us with a great weapon that was key to our success, and we are very appreciative to have had the opportunity to work with you all! 

—Lamont Anderson, Campaign Manager for Brandon Johnson, Wichita City Council, District 1 (2017)

Working with Red2Blue was absolutely crucial to reaching voters who had no idea there was a special election coming up. I will recommend Red2Blue to other candidates' campaigns without hesitation. 

—Cindy Boatwright, candidate for South Carolina House of Representatives, District 99 (2018)

Red2Blue is so completely competent and responsive that we couldn’t believe it was entirely a volunteer run organization – no fees for their comprehensive assistance to our campaign. They exist purely to boost the capacity of your own team to run a successful peer-to-peer texting campaign. Their expertise covers the whole continuum from estimating a texting budget, script development, volunteer training and QA through real time feedback to texters. We don’t know of anything like this astounding volunteer team.

Les Francis, Campaign Manager for Sierra Forward, a campaign to Flip the 4th California Congressional District (2018)

Red2Blue: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am convinced that the texting you did turned out thousands of votes for Zellnor. You are a force to be reckoned with!

—Jeff Hertzberg, Technology Director for Zellnor Myrie, New York State Senate District 20 (2018)

Red2Blue is simply AMAZING. Everything about your operation is an organizer's dream. Instructions are detailed and clear, volunteers are experienced and enthusiastic, and it is all run with an impressive level of professionalism. Thank you for adopting Jen and helping to push her over the top! Your efforts made a real impact.

Kelleigh McKenzie, Campaign Manager for Jen Metzger, New York State Senate, District 42 (2018)

Red2Blue was absolutely integral to the field and GOTV efforts I managed in 2018. Their peer-to-peer texting program was both intuitive and easy to use, the feedback from voters was essential to shaping our messaging and field strategy. 

—Dustin Reidy, Founder of NY19Votes and Campaign Manager for Pat Strong, New York State Senate, District 46 (2018)