Texting Services for Democratic Campaigns

Peer-to-peer texting is one of the most effective ways campaigns can reach thousands of voters very quickly in order to inform them about upcoming elections and encourage them to vote. Texting can reach even the most remote areas, oftentimes the only personal touch voters might receive from a candidate.

Since 2017, Red2Blue Texting volunteers have texted some 16,000,000 voters in 43 states for more than 620 candidates up and down the ballot, from City Councillor to U.S. Senator. In addition to defending Democratic seats and flipping seats from Red to Blue, we have helped build local capacity and shrunk margins in “unwinnable” districts, laying the groundwork for future victories.

And now we want to put that experience and expertise to work for you to identify supporters, chase absentee ballots, recruit volunteers, fundraise, turn out the vote on Election Day, and more—all while collecting data for you so you can better plan your overall campaign strategy.

What Can Red2Blue Texting Volunteers Do for You

  • We provide an entire workforce and infrastructure to create and manage a text campaign at no cost to you. You only need to pay for the texts themselves, using our current platform of choice, Spoke using Politics Rewired.

  • With your input, we will write a texting script to fit your strategy, such as identifying supporters, recruiting volunteers, chasing absentee or vote-by-mail ballots, or turning out the vote right before Election Day.

  • We will also research and create a candidate guide so our texters have everything they need to know, such as background on your candidate, district information, stances on the issues, and voting information.

  • We can help you navigate your VAN data (or similar) to get your voter lists into the texting software. Or, if you don’t use VAN, we can help you with that as well.

  • We can advise you on how best to cut your voter lists in relation to which of your voters you want to contact.

  • We provide real-time quality control during texting to make sure texters are staying on script and collecting accurate data.

  • We provide back-end quality control by going through every single conversation to make sure that the data has been collected properly and that no voters were abandoned.

  • Basically, we can do it all for you so you don’t have to.

Red2Blue Texting is no longer accepting candidates for the 2023 cycle.