Texting for Democratic and Progressive Candidates

About Our Work

We are a member-led organization of volunteers living and working across the United States. We have served over 620 candidates and organizations across 43 states, reaching over 16,000,000 voters.


In 2021 Red2Blue was able to help dozens of candidates running for municipal office and in special elections in 8 states. We continued to build partnerships with state and county Democratic parties and expanded our expertise into more texting platforms. We were able to use the slower election cycle to refine messaging for candidates and analyze the most effective texting strategies.


2020 was Red2Blue Texting’s busiest year yet! Our volunteers texted over 6,700,000 voters for 258 candidates and organizations in 33 states.


We did not take a break during this “off-year” cycle, and were active in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin, providing support for over 130 candidates running for local, county, and state legislative offices. We committed to and expanded our partnerships with organizations that work to elevate marginalized communities and candidates.

Virginia 2019

  • We partnered with WinVirginiaSister District, and the Democratic Party of Virginia to run texting for 72 state legislative candidates running to keep Democratic seats or flip Republican-held districts. Our volunteers texted over 2 million Virginia voters, contributing to the November 2019 Democratic takeover of the Virginia Assembly.

Special Elections 2019

  • Red2Blue’s volunteers provided texting programs for 27 Democratic candidates in 12 states, for everything from U.S. Congress to Parks and Rec Board of Directors.

Partnerships 2019


This was a banner year for Red2Blue Texting. Between the November midterms and special elections, we supported 144 candidates in 18 states, and expanded our volunteer rolls to over 2,000 engaged and active members.

Our texting volunteers texted over 3,900,000 voters for 144 candidates and organizations in 18 states, with the following results: 

  • Four of our Congressional candidates—Elissa Slotkin, Lauren Underwood, Angie Craig, and Max Rose—won their seats and helped flip Congress.

  • Five of our candidates—Alessandra Biaggi, Robert Jackson, Monica Martinez, Jen Metzger, and Zellnor Myrie—helped the Democrats take back control of the New York State Senate. We texted 55,000 voters in Metzger’s district, of which 2,300 responded saying they would vote for Jen. She won her seat by 2,522 votes.

  • 22 of the candidates we texted for helped narrow Republican control over the Pennsylvania and Michigan state legislatures. Laurie Pohutsky was one of them. We texted 28,000 voters to help her flip a Michigan State House seat, identifying over 800 supporters who pledged to vote for her. On Election Day, she won by 221 votes.

  • Janet Cruz also flipped her Florida State Senate seat, winning by 382 votes. We texted 9,500 voters there and over 500 of them said they would vote for her.


We hit the ground running working on state and federal special elections in the early part of the year. Later, we committed a lot of our time and energy to the November general election in Virginia.

Virginia 2017

  • We ran texting programs for 45 House of Delegate candidates and texted over 500,000 voters.

  • Democrats gained 15 seats in the state legislature, leaving them in a position to take the majority in November of 2019.

Alabama 2017

  • We helped get Doug Jones elected to the U.S. Senate. We partnered with community leaders and local representatives to text over 300,000 of their constituents, amplifying  support and voter turnout for Doug Jones in African-American communities.

Special Elections 2017

  • Our volunteers texted for special elections in State Senate races in Connecticut and Delaware, and U.S. Congressional seats in Kansas and Georgia.